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内容简介:女主文案:别人穿,苏好好也是穿,原以为是个甜宠文,结果她穿到男配因爱生恨杀了女主,最后自杀的结局。苏好好:我抱紧男配大腿,绝不变心。然而,她,好像,抱错了,大腿……穿越大神误我。男主文 案江淮十二岁时捡了个五岁的小姑娘,长的怪好看,就是脑子有毛病。要是不管她估计会活活饿死,可怜的。男主智商180,女主负数。伪兄妹养成系作者文案:算是日常向养成系宠文吧,其实我也不确定。微博:晋江二呆本文将于二月七日入V预收文求预收——《撩过的世子黑化后》文案:林娇娇身为江湖人士,多年前撩了位世子,目地达成在一众师兄姐的帮助下,她诈死在世子怀中。多年后两人再遇,林娇娇成了自己众多替身中的一员。面对被砍了手,被割了耳朵,被拔了牙,被……的众多替身姐妹们。林娇娇:她要是露出真容,岂不要被他挫骨扬灰?瑟瑟发抖……众所周知,顾凌白心中有个白月光,天下的女子都想取而代之。顾凌白:跟死人争,公平点,先去死吧。微博:晋江二呆各位书友要是觉得《穿书男配哥哥别黑化》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-96555 >>


内容简介:《九武至尊》打破自身枷锁,冲出天地烘炉,突破生死桎梏,不断磨练自我,超越一切彼端,成就无上神道!与天地同生,与日月同灭!看修罗门传人的少年,以怎样的经历,成为武修无上至尊!1w0-75 717 >>


内容简介:  【正文已完结~番外中】一屋两人三餐四季小甜饼【1】娱乐圈著名花瓶相宜,被全网黑之后,突然宣布:自个儿要回家种田了。众黑粉:嘻嘻,活该。翌日,星辰APP开始直播相宜的田园生活。咦,顶 尖律师为什么来吃饭了?咦,医学博士为什么来养鸡了?咦,知名设计师为什么来染布了?咦,电竞大神为什么来装秋千了?什么?你是她哥?你也是她哥?你还是她哥??!万众瞩目中,大满贯影帝时绥空降节目现场,众黑粉弱弱在公屏打字:你…你也是她哥哥吗?时影帝从容不迫捏了把相宜小脸蛋,淡定道:我是她老公。众黑粉:笑不出来.jpg【2】惊!影帝时绥换小助理了!还要和对方一起拍种田综艺?!女友粉妈妈粉事业粉捶胸顿足:娇娇弱弱一花瓶,到底谁照顾谁?!肯定是想炒CP的心机女!直播第二天,粉丝们看着素颜绝美的少女,从锅里淡定捞出一盆热气腾腾的麻辣小龙虾,一个个眼泪不争气地从嘴角流了出来,骂骂咧咧点起了外卖。直播第十天,粉丝们边往嘴里塞饭边控诉:能不能炒炒CP别炒菜啦!胖五斤了都!小花瓶求求你和我们哥哥/儿子/崽崽锁死一辈子吧!【//星河滚烫,不如来碗麻辣烫】【//掉马甲+甜宠撩+美食+治愈+日常】1w0-1866 >>


内容简介:【下一个更在16号000,届时三更】温瓷自幼学习古典舞,模样娇,身段绝、气质好。撑着太阳伞骄傲地走在绿茵路旁,俨然如一朵人间富贵花。被她拒绝过的男生,加起来可以凑几个篮球队了。那天,她 又收到一条平平无奇的告白微信——“hi,可以和你交个朋友吗。”温瓷:“不可以。”随手删了。后来,她考上了重点高校——南湘大学。家族企业濒于破产,温瓷肩负了重要使命,接近傅家那位浪荡不羁的太子爷——傅司白,不惜一切代价成为他心里的那个人。几经周折,温瓷终于见到了傅司白。他手里拎着烟,衬衣衣领敞开着,眼底透着几分懒怠和不羁。他坐在一帮谈笑风生的少年正中,宛如孤狼。长得还……挺正。温瓷走上前,大方地扬了扬手机:“hello,傅司白,可以加个微信吗?”傅司白嘴角勾着,将手机递了过来。温瓷添加之后,意外看到了过往的聊天记录——“hi,可以和你交个朋友吗?”“不可以。”【您已删除对方,对方不能再给您发送消息】温瓷:?那场盛大无声的暗恋,傅司白如疯犬一般爱慕她。一往情深,很多年。直到被她无情删除。【诡计多端太子爷vs大局为重小淑女】双c,男主伪浪子,几章后忠贞如狗女主不完美,非常作——————————接各位书友要是觉得《误删大佬微信后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!误删大佬微信后最新章节地址:1w0-99750 >>


内容简介:?《我爱种田》小说精校版,无删减番外全?由拉棉花糖的兔子所著,点击全文免费在线阅读全文内容番外。非主流慢穿爽文,校园、中世纪、星际,美食、经营、升级,没有不能种田的世界。1w0-332 88 >>


内容简介:明帝之子万古神帝免费全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《明帝之子万古神帝免费》张若尘池瑶著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读明帝之子万古神帝免费全文内容 。1w12092-74293 >>


5 years ago, a mysterious Akuma appeared...However, one man stopped the Akuma in it's tracks, His name is Alalakit. The story start off with Jikeina and Santa. Jikeina was santa's older brother and they made a living by getting rid of monsters or stopping monsters from invading a village. However, Santa has a mark on his left hand, it is the mark of the Akuma. Acttually it's the mark of 'Mahou's Power'. There are 108 of the Akuma's powerful power, and they are passed down to 'successors', each animal who have the blood of the Akuma is changed, to youkais, only the most powerful of the lot are given one of the Akuma's power, and they will have a mark on various parts on their body as evidence that they inherited the power of the Akuma. Santa, has the Symbol of a star on his hand, and on it, is the number '0'. In a battle with a Youkai who has the Mahou's Power of fire, Jikeina is seperated from Santa, and Santa had just discovered what is his Mahou power...it's something to do with the mouth on his stomach...alone, Santa travels to all kinds of places, making new friends, defeating new enemies, and learning the secret of the Akuma, whilst seeking Jikeina. From souhaku scan

Battle Girl Ai

From Vampire Knight: Ai was your normal, everyday grade teenage girl until one day, she was involved in a fatal car accident. In the hands of the Specialized Secret Police Organization, she was able to be revived. With her newly gained powers acquired through the operation, she becomes a defender of justice. With the mysterious (and a little perverted) bishounen Sagiriya Shinogu as her partner, she fights the forces of evil!


From Yen Press: 'A grudge is a sentiment that is chained down and cannot move. That fixed sentiment becomes sadness, and when that sadness remains chained with no escape…it becomes hostile…” Baek-On and Ho-Yeon are exorcists-for-hire, traveling throughout the country in search of grudges and ghosts. Each encounter reveals a story of tragedy and loss, sentiments they are all too familiar with themselves. But sometimes the violence of the most murderous spirits is nothing compared to the cruelty of the living.

Sai X Ai

From Chibi Manga: She loved a teacher. But that kind of love is forbidden! Still she kept on loving him, and didn't care about it. One day, she met a boy in white clothes in the greenhouse of the school. She saw his kind eyes and she smelled the odor of wood coming from him. For the first time, Tsugumi felt her heart beating for someone. But after that encounter she understood that this guy was her teacher...!!

The Grammar School Boys Snowbound

The Grammar School Boys Snowbound summary: The Grammar School Boys Snowbound summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Grammar School Boys Snowbound. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

John Rebus - Death Is Not The End

John Rebus - Death Is Not The End summary: John Rebus - Death Is Not The End summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of John Rebus - Death Is Not The End. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Martial Emperor with Dragon Blood

The Martial Emperor with Dragon Blood summary: This is a story about a young man who sought to fight against his destiny. With the help from billions of Dragon Energies trapped on the Rising Dragon Pillar in his body, he emerged from the dark and quenched himself with the blood of ancient dragons. He fought the heaven with the Buddhist Art for the people he loved and built the Eternity Kingdom with his own hands. This is a story about the rise of the Martial Emperor who will rule both earth and heaven.

The Life of George Washington

The Life of George Washington summary: The Life of George Washington summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Life of George Washington. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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