
































内容简介:《在遮天寻找完美》“谁人可度,谁人当度,化生诸天,劫劫长存。”那是古史长河,那是一幕又一幕可怖而绝世的场景出现——尸山血海、万灵伏尸、大界崩塌……灵见二世为人,由玄鸟衔来天命,在波澜壮 阔的遮天世界里,寻找着属于他的完美。1w0-80053 >>


内容简介:《暮霭凝香》简介:邋遢和尚叹道:“如果是自然而然的事情,那为什么位居高位的官员,深处百姓头顶的大老爷们,多数都是酒囊饭袋呢?”朱重阳一时语塞(江湖尘事)。邋遢和尚道:“穷苦百姓一生勤勉 ,种地做活养活这么多人,又怎么能说他们行事低贱呢?”朱重阳闻言顿时肃然起敬,他抱拳道:“是我误会高僧了,原来高僧是一位看破世情具有大智慧的法师,失敬失敬!”邋遢和尚讶然失笑道:“我算得什么高僧?算得什么法师?我不过是一位种花的邋遢和尚罢了(江湖尘事)。”朱重阳问道:“大师好不谦虚,令在下钦佩!只是在下想知道,一个粪水,怎的还需要搅和什么?”邋遢和尚说道:“什么事都可以随随便便地做,也可以全副身心地去做,偿若马马虎虎地做,什么事都做不好,一辈子就这么过去了(江湖尘事)。。1w0-32831 >>


内容简介:闻乐的爷爷是为了创作跑到山区一住几十年的文学泰斗。 闻乐从小跟爷爷奶奶住在山区。闻乐上学后才发现家里只有一块黑白电视而同学家中都有彩电。于是小小的闻乐早熟的知道,她是穷苦出身,要努力。 - 可是渐渐的闻乐发现了有哪里不对。闻乐小心翼翼地给爷爷打了个电话。“爷爷,我考上大学时,你和爸爸送的那两把钥匙什么意思?”爷爷哼哼一声,道:“我送了你一四合院,你爸送了你一栋楼。”闻乐小心肝一颤,“那前几天爸爸让我签名的那个文件呢?”爷爷冷哼一声,“我怎么知道,不过你爸最近买了个宝石矿。”闻乐小心翼翼问道:“爷爷,我们家真的不穷?”爷爷气得直骂笨蛋。-闻乐和男女不近的高岭之花校草周考在一起后,全校轰动。周考是出身豪门的大少爷,而闻乐是山里的穷孩子。门不当户不对,闻乐成了想要嫁入豪门的心机女。直到有人偷拍到两人视频。视频中,周考竟然主动将闻乐堵在无人角落,把玩着闻乐长发,“据说你身上这套价值百万的珠宝,是路边儿摊花20块淘来的?”闻乐笑道:“大概摊主是我爸。”“不过这位小哥...”闻乐挑起周考的下巴,媚眼如丝,“你这千万级美色怎么卖啊?”被誉为地狱级难度,谁都追不动的高岭之花周考却近乎痴迷,低头吻下去,声音喑哑,“承惠10块。”闻乐笑着躲开,“10块有点儿贵吧?”周考恩咬牙,吻上去,“我倒贴10块。”全校震惊! 【以为自己是山里穷苦出身富而不自知的绝美学霸女主 X 暗恋多年不自知的神颜大佬男主】 ○女主富N代○双箭头暗恋。○男女主以前认识并互为对方爱情启蒙和心理阴影,但文中会不定时出现真香和火葬场情节。○甜爽无虐【土味玛丽苏雷慎入】1w0-4543 >>






内容简介:本书又名《藏玉娇》永安伯得一女。幼时,玉雪可爱。长成时,仙姿玉貌,倾国倾城。见过此女之男子,无不酥倒,见过此女之女子,无不羡嫉。伯府上下心惊胆战,就怕此女被人看了去。千防万防,依然没有 防住传闻,永安伯之女,长相不尽如人意,因此甚少参加贵族夫人小姐间的聚会。到了谈婚论嫁之时,也戴着帷帽,众贵女坚信传言不假,便未把其当做对手。哪知道,她们倾慕的对象,国公府世子萧尧娶了这位永安伯之女。不甘的众贵女,想观世子夫人容貌,却始终不得一见,只道是丑陋不堪,不能见人。众人只等此女被世子厌弃,广纳妾室。等来等去国公世子成了国公爷,孙子都娶妻了,依然没有纳妾而众人也终见此女之颜,可谓是沉鱼落雁,倾国倾城,难怪国公爷不纳妾。【男主篇】国公府世子萧尧得知,永安伯之女因容貌有损不敢出门,料她定是愤世嫉俗,心性不佳,便将她排除在自己妻子人选之外。赏花宴上,发现她全然不是他想的那样,此后他便再也忘不掉了。那日,阿涵被萧尧抱进假山之中,她面如桃花,他心头鹿撞,凑近她玉雪可爱的耳垂,低语呢喃说明:1、男主另外有设定,没有见色起意。2、假山是婚后的事情,其他人看到女主真容也没有到男女主有孙子的时候。3、玛丽苏言情,不喜不要勉强,可以看看预收。预收《穿成恶毒养姐之后》——————————【女主篇】一拳锤暴丧尸头的钢铁直女李妙妙,穿到古代了。看着和自己一样瘦小的弟弟赵煜,伪萝莉真大人李妙妙担负起了养崽责任。凭借着强大武力,李妙妙把自己和赵煜养的白白胖胖。未来世界,幼崽极其珍贵,怎么呵护都不为过。李妙妙给赵煜,喂饭,穿衣,洗澡,讲故事。李妙妙教训了欺负赵煜的熊孩子,教训了打他的父母。李妙妙觉得自己是讲道理的,怎么能那样下死手打幼崽呢?这是犯罪!【男主篇】本是大皇子的赵煜一出生被人掳走,重生到自己八岁,他发誓要让掳走他的这一家人不得好死。在他的算计下,养姐摔破了头。养姐突然变了,她为他做饭,洗衣。她挡在他的身前,维护他以为这样就可以得到他的原谅?做梦!嘴上说不要,身体却忍不住靠近。最后,她进了他的心,他不想只做她的弟弟。傲娇偏执重生男主vs一根筋武力强大穿越女主(女宠男)1w0-82936 >>

Mukuchi Na Bakemono Wa Yoru Ni Naku

Oogimi Tsumugi is completely ignored at school because his parents are murderers and he has not talked to anyone in school for months. Then one day, a transfer student, Konohata Maya starts a conversation with him, but there's something eerie about her. She understands why Tsumugi is being ignored, but she seems to be even more interested after learning about his situation. What does Maya want with him and more importantly, what is she?

We Are Still...!

Doe-won is about to enter high school. She's ready to face her new school and her new classmates, but then she meets the class representative, Baek Joon, who chooses the seat next to her rather than a seat somewhere else. Why does Baek Joon seem so interested in her? And why is Doe-won so nervous to see Eun Eegi, who demands something of her that she thought he had forgotten...!? -Please note the first set of chapters have been removed at Entropy's request if you would like to read them please visit their website

Renai Virgin

Collection of short love stories for mature audiences, containts explict content! Virgin in love [A] One day, while washing her clothes, Mori comes across an old high school boyfriend of hers, Mutsuki. He was the one who deflowered her, and they broke up when he cheated on her. He invites her to his apartment to talk, but... Virgin in love [B] Mori feels like she is Mutsuki's toy, and she doesn't want that anymore. Shew wants a normal relationship with a normal guy. But when she tries to cut away from Mutsuki, he betrays her trust by practically raping her. Can he patch things up between them? And will Mori be able to have a normal relationship with Honda-san? Smiling at each other Tamako quit her job and went back home when her boyfriend dumped her so that he could marry a different woman. Her brother introduces her to his friend Fukada. As time goes by, they get closer and closer, both trying to fill the gaps left by being dumped by their lovers. Will they become more than friends?

Ayakashi Koikitan

From Aerandria Scans: A collection of one-shots all based on popular ballets, but in Japanese setting and with a definite supernatural twist! Ghosts were once humans, too, and their love is still alive, told by the master of lovely, but eerie supernatural stories, Kamata Kimiko.

Pictures Every Child Should Know

Pictures Every Child Should Know summary: Pictures Every Child Should Know summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pictures Every Child Should Know. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Against the Fate

Against the Fate summary: Haggling, Gambling, Bravery or Outsmarting? How to distinguish which is good and which is evil? Who is the true ruler? On the Eternal Planet, the truth only lies within the hands of the most powerful ones! But the Great Swindling Master will give them a magic show!
Author Note: Readers who not familiar with or not exposed to League of Legends (LOL), do not worry, this is an “Avengers union with X-Men” world. LOL readers are also welcome to familiarize themselves with criticism.
Translator’s Note:————————–This novel is similar to Hunter X Hunter with Hisoka as the main protagonist. A “good” Hisoka with friends, comrades and lover(s); but still smart, tricky and dares to challenge stronger opponents.
This novel also has a bit of One Piece, “The role of justice and evil are exchanged many times in history, because whoever wins is justice!”.
This novel also has a bit of X-Men, “Those with powers protect those who don’t.”
The novel also consists Death G.o.ds with soul power, as well as ninja’s with chakra, so it also has a bit of both Bleach and Naruto.
Finally, this novel is based on League of Legends, that’s the reason I am translating it.

Find You In The Dark

Find You In The Dark summary: Find You In The Dark summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Find You In The Dark. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

His Royal Highness, Wants A Divorce!

His Royal Highness, Wants A Divorce! summary: After his death, Yan Ke transmigrated and became a prince. He had yet to get himself an imperial harem and enjoy life with the (imaginary) concubines when he was married off in a marriage alliance. On the day of the wedding, he was shut out by Meng You. Half a month later after the wedding, when he had just recovered from his illness, Meng You was sent out to the battlefront. He was gone for three years. Yan Ke felt that, he was probably the most tragic, abandoned husband of the highest (epic) level. Since you are heartless, don’t blame me for being unrighteous! Therefore, the most forsaken husband reached his hand out towards the Crown Prince’s residence. — Meng You has just returned after he went out to war three years ago shortly after his marriage. For these three years, he had regularly received letters from the Crown Princess back home. His subordinates all extolled the deep love between husband and husband, but only Meng You knew that those were all attempts by the Crown Princess to ask for a peaceful separation (aka. divorce). He came back from battle only to see his Crown Prince residence turned into a mahjong house, swarming with all sorts of people – men and women, young and old. And that Crown Princess of his whom he had not seen for three years had kept himself fair and delicate, his every movement and action exceedingly coquettish and charming. And then, his Crown Princess walked towards him. Yan Ke, “Handsome, new face here? Do you want to play? It costs one tael of silver for a whole day and 25 taels of silver for a month. The boss will play with you, but the price is calculated separately. You will get more discount if you buy more~” Meng You, “……”

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