




类别都市 恋爱 霸总










类别搞笑 恋爱 校园 少女 总裁 其他






简介就读于舞岛学园高中部的桂木桂马是个喜欢恋爱养成游戏(Galgame)的高中生。曾经成功攻略过10000名女生(游戏中),有着能够攻略任何类型女性的能力,是拥有一切galgame攻略的网站“落とし神”的管理者,以高超的技术被广大机友尊称为“落とし神”(攻略之神、攻陷之神)。 某日,一名少女从从天而降来到他的面前。这名少女名叫艾露西,从地狱远道而来的她委托桂马为她捕获“驱魂”(驱け魂)的协力者。方法是使被附身的人类恋爱,填补她的心灵缝隙,从而把因在心里无处容身而逃出来的驱魂捕获。对现实生活中的女孩退避三舍的桂马自然毫不犹豫的拒绝了艾露西的要求,但是由于和艾露西结成的契约危及生命,所以他不得不心不甘情不愿的承诺帮忙。于是,GAL界的“攻略之神”桂木桂马终于以三次元世界的女生发动了攻略






简介所谓的“强大”是怎么回事呢?我也想变强大!老是打不赢别人、被人欺负的高中生幕之内一步,跟拳手鹰村相遇后,体内潜伏的黄色炸药神拳终于被唤醒!幕之内一步懹抱着职业拳手的美梦,准备要向鸭川拳馆的入门测试挑战了! 之内一步与首位强敌宫田一郎再度决战的铃响起了!面对着宫田漂亮的步法,一步向胜利挑战!现在在要测试一下会长不眠不休、付出血汗调教的特训成果!连续猛击打倒宫中,摧毁那必杀的长拳攻击绝招! 终于,初次登场赛的日子来临,应战的敌手是小田裕介–擅打右钩拳的拳手,一步之周围的好友都认为他一定会胜利!但是到了擂台上,小田却有如脱胎换骨一般!超级激烈战斗开始!一步能在初次登场赛中赢得胜利吗






内容简介:  【穿越种田】、【植物大战僵尸】作为一个有理想,不是那么有道德的穿越理工男,戴琳选择用植物和真菌来面对这个异界的所有挑战!智慧古树羞涩万分地说:你不要老盯着人家的花看啦了!你这样,人 家都不好意思自花授粉了……1w0-3285 >>


内容简介:预收文《我在娱乐圈兴风作浪》《全星际最后一只大熊猫》若干年后,有人问陆榕在无限流世界是种什么样的体验。陆榕沉思,无奈回:没什么特殊的体验,就是鬼怪见到我吓得四窜逃跑,每个副本的boss 都是我小弟……哦对了,顺便找了个男朋友。跟他同期的新人吐血:无限流世界不像他说的那样!残酷!血腥!残忍!他那么牛掰肯定是因为他把到了系统当男朋友!!系统对他偏爱!对我们都是加大难度!对他是加大甜度!!系统不公!!!主受慢热轻松文非典型无限流————预收文求收藏————《我在娱乐圈兴风作浪》十八线小明星白溪现在的人设是无害小白花形象,最怕的就是自己在高中时是校霸的黑历史被人爆出来。后来他上了一档家喻户晓的全民性综艺,意外爆火,然后黑历史被人扒出,全网一片沸腾,纷纷抱着吃瓜的心态继续扒更多的黑历史,却意外的扒出来——白溪高中时的跟班一号现在是某研究室不苟言笑的科研大佬。跟班二号现在是拿了大满贯影帝的超一线高冷男星。跟班三号现在是挥霍奢侈的金融圈大牛。而当年被他校霸过的小可怜现在则是帝都超级豪门世家的继承人,且成了他的跟班四号,日常跟一、二、三号争风吃醋……黑粉们目瞪口呆。白溪:……求别扒了!再1w0-75855 >>


内容简介:  李宽穿越了!成为了李世民刚刚出生的二儿子!原本他以为自己进入了历史频道,可穿越之时带的能够穿越时空的金手指,却是一脚踹进了科幻大门!而当他接受了这个金手指,准备以金手指为资本纵横诸 天之时,他不经意间回忆起的一段位于脑海深处的记忆却是打了他一个措手不及!史料记载:楚王宽,武德三年,出后楚哀王,蚤薨。划重点,蚤薨!蚤薨的意思就是早夭,也就是夭折!也就是说,武德三年,他被李世民过继到楚哀王名下后,他就要死了!而今年...是武德二年!!!李宽回想起了他曾经瞥过一眼的新唐书中,关于楚王李宽这个人的记载后,整个人要崩溃了!不过,这还不是最崩溃的事!更崩溃的是当他准备使用金手指抢救自己一波的时候却是发现,金手指之中明确显示着,正在搜索位面,预计最低搜索时间三年...ps:目前已确定要穿越世界哈利波特,火影忍者,海贼王(时间不定,出场顺序不定!)1w0-4507 >>


内容简介:  轮到郑英奇讲他的经历了,他慢吞吞的靠在了箱子上,惘望着天空,慢慢说道:我啊,在《士兵突击》里面受过训,也在《我是特种兵》的世界里面虐过菜鸟,后来啊,我也曾在《亮剑》里面打过仗,也在 《兄弟连》里面服过役。这时候有人插话:“就这些吗?”郑英奇摇摇头,缓缓说道:除了这些,还有,有《兵临城下》、《黑鹰坠落》、还有……群号:626685740,问题答案:666。……新书《我是影视剧中最凶的教官》已经发布,有兴趣的老爷可以去看看。嗯,大概就是一个兵在军旅影视剧中做教官的故事。1w0-2244 >>




内容简介:衣冠南迁,胡狄遍地,汉家子弟被屠戮殆尽。血雨腥风,刀枪剑影,血性男儿的绝地反击。以挽吾汉之既倒,扶华夏之将倾。他垂危受命,力挽狂澜,救冉闵,灭氐秦,平鲜卑,定天下,创立大魏武卒,横扫天 下!这里有勇冠天下的冉闵、有东山再起的谢安、王羲之、王猛、刘牢之;魏晋士子风流俏佳人,花前月下,剪不断理还乱的爱恨缠绵。且看后世一个叱诧风云的黑道大佬,如何玩转五胡乱华。1w0-84121 >>

Over Image

From Village Idiot: A colourless world, a pure white world, a world where everything is filled with only one colour. During what ought to have been a young man's usual walk to school, Sai was suddenly blown away to such an extraordinary world. There, he witnesses two young girls' fight unfold before him. One of them is a blonde girl he has never seen before, and the other is Mikage Mikuro, a senpai at his high school. Then, the blonde girl appears as a transfer student before Sai, who has just returned to the original world. In order to grant her wish, she joined the battle game 'Over Image' on her own and now she seems to have come to seek out Sai to be her companion.

Mugen Spiral

From Tokyopop: Yayoi, a spunky high school girl, has inherited spiritual powers from her mother, and she uses these powers to protect people. During a fight with the devil Ura, Yayoi's power turns the devil into a black kitten. Now, even though Ura doesn't hide his desire to 'eat' Yayoi's power when he gets the chance, they develop an interesting relationship: the two begin living together, and Yayoi takes her new feline 'friend' on her adventures.

Shouri No Akuma

From StarryHeaven: Tanakamori Asami, 16 years old. Because of her father’s debts, she’s forced to transfer from her elite school to her current one… Her new school is entirely full of strange people, in fact it’s kinda like a zoo… But there, she meets the beautiful Akira. Thanks to the charismatic Akira, Asami slowly, slowly she gets used to her new school. However several trials appear to Asami such as her family's finances, her classmates, and even in love. Her everyday life is bursting open in this romantic comedy!

Koi Ni Oboreru Houkago

1) Addicted to Love After School- When his student moves in next door a sensei begins to feel his work and personal life getting mixed up, especially when the paper thin walls let the sensei hear his student's solo nighttime activities. 2) Addicted to Love After School 2 (Koi ni Oboreru Houkago) - One day, while alone in the student's apartment, the teacher finds a bag full of sex toys. Their relationshp becomes strained as the teacher keeps wondering when the student will be using them in their love-making. 3) Waiting for Your Kiss After School- The drunken sensei accidentally injures his lover/student's private area and is forced into celibacy. 4) Love of Beast (Kemono no Koi)- After his parent's death high school student Setsu is raised by his father's twin brother, Ryouichi. Even though Ryouichi is cold, Setsu can't help but cling to him. 5) As Pushy as It Gets- Kazuki runs a convenience shop, and often has to ask his younger step-brother Ryouta to help out as a 'pretend lover' for their female clients. Ryouta doesn't work for free however, and Kazuki must pay the price. 6) While Your're Still Out of Uncontrol (Midareru Mama ni) - Ryouta is requested so often by lady clients he thinks nothing of it. But when a male customer wants to spend time with Kazuki, is Ryouta being cautious or unreasonably jealous? 7) Wonderland in Bed- When Ryouta breaks an arm and leg Kazuki's work load doubles. Plus, Ryouta demands constant attention and care. Kazuki already spoils Ryouta, how much more can the sadistic younger brother want? 8) Newborn Love- Kazuki plans a surprise birthday celebration for Ryouta, but why is this birthday so special?

Crimson Frost

Crimson Frost summary: Crimson Frost summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Crimson Frost. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Book Of Immortality

Book Of Immortality summary: Book Of Immortality summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Book Of Immortality. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Radicalism of Shelley and Its Sources

The Radicalism of Shelley and Its Sources summary: The Radicalism of Shelley and Its Sources summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Radicalism of Shelley and Its Sources. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Alone in London

Alone in London summary: Alone in London summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Alone in London. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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