










简介在东京发生灵性灾害【灵灾】已经有数十年。为了拥有国家阴阳师资格而在各地分方的养成学园读书的土御门春虎是一个连感觉灵气【见鬼】的才能都没有的超吊车尾!?【BLACK BLOOD BROTHERS】的闾之耕平的新作在【VENUS VERSUS VIRUS】的铃见敦的手中迅速漫画化跨越出版社的一大大计划这真令人瞩




简介欢迎观看辣妹饭漫画:家政科老师,矢部真司。在独自一人改考卷的他面前出现的, 是因事关毕业而来找他学做饼干的学校头号辣妹,冈崎美玖。 究竟矢部是否有办法让美玖毕业呢?












简介【每周五更新】随主出征,战死沙场,白英从一只战虎重生变为病秧子美人,还嫁给了主人,从此猛虎变萌虎。 “过来,你不是一天天往我身上爬吗?跑什么!”当着满堂朝臣的面,将军大人冲白英招招手。 “明明是你不让我往你身上爬的……”白英一边嘟囔,一边乖乖爬将军大腿上坐好。 满堂朝臣面面相觑,这是,被将军大人撒狗粮了。






内容简介:为了对的起江言舟给自己买的私人飞机,D级钻石,名牌包包。宋枳尽心尽力的待在他身边他喜欢嗲精,她就每天围着他撒娇。他喜欢大长腿小细腰,她严格控制自己的饮食。直到那个传说中的白月光回国。皮 肤白,爱撒娇,细腰大长腿。一时间,宋枳沦为名流圈的笑柄。“不过一个小门小户的女艺人,企图妄想嫁入豪门,结果发现自己不过就是个替身。”宋枳二话不说,剪掉江言舟送给她的附属卡,先发制人给他发了条信息:”分手吧,狗男人!“然后头也不回的离开,终于可以专心搞事业了。演技大赏的颁奖典礼上,宋枳穿着价值八位数的高定礼裙,脚踩华伦天奴,耳坠上的钻石闪闪发光。接受采访时媒体问起她那个绯闻对象:“听说深环总裁江言舟和你是男女朋友关系?”宋枳笑容三分从容七分优雅:“江言舟?他哪位?”第二天深环集团那个低调的江姓总裁罕见的接受了采访,全然没有了往日的清冷理性,高高在上。他低声下气的求她:“别分手好不好?”宋枳:风水轮流转:)1:没有白月光没有白月光没有白月光(重要的事情说三遍)2:女主是个嗲精白莲花,介意慎3:虐妻一时爽,追妻火葬场各位书友要是觉得《肆意》还不错的话请不要忘记向您微信群和微信里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-36995 >>


内容简介:当程敏一眼看见那个身姿挺拔,戴着细边金丝眼镜,瞧着斯斯文文,却掩不住衬衫底下的完美肌肉线条的男人时,她就知道,至少她不缺少一双发现美的眼睛。好看的激情视频请收藏:天天更新,惊喜不断1w 0-120520 >>


内容简介:穿越到了海贼王世界,叶封竟然获得了暗黑破坏神中的法师职业……这下可牛逼了。“穿越了,向各位前辈大佬问一下,法师技能该怎么点?在线等,挺急的!”“你要主流点法还是非主流点法?”“哈?主流 的吧?…1w0-66151 >>


内容简介:她是前朝的遗腹公主。她的父皇昏庸无道,强抢已为人妇的生母入宫。不想前朝覆灭,皇族男性全部处死。生母趁乱逃出皇宫后,发现身怀有孕,产下稚子,抛弃深山。本该命绝深山,不想偶遇生产母狼,母狼 母性大发,带回洞中。朝摇仙山,远近闻名,朝摇大师兄清尘途径此地,听闻传闻,心下好奇,自身闯入深山寻找‘怪物’,不想传闻中的怪物是个弃婴,清尘心生怜悯,带回怪物回到朝摇悉心教养。天意弄人,朝夕相处,暗生情愫。岂料仙1w0-45743 >>


内容简介:她一朝身死,再次醒来已然是文华国的第一废柴,还是人人皆知的傻子,受尽嘲讽,受尽欺凌,居然还要被迫代替继妹和亲他国。好,不就是嫁人吗?她偏要活的风生水起给你看!至于白莲和有眼无珠的太子? 定让你们悔的肠子都青了!1w0-36838 >>


内容简介:余岑被医生诊断绝症,没剩几天活头。余岑痛定思痛,自己这短短一生,还有什么遗憾?几分钟后。余岑:“……”太多了。没谈过恋爱,没考过第一,没赢过关之涯。前两项不是我想要,想要就能要,余岑决 定在最后一项下下功夫。于是……他在校长主持的校级大会上,和关之涯表白了。“关之涯!我喜欢你!你是电!你是光!你是人间的四月天!你是我唯一的男神!你是我们二中永远的神话!我超级喜欢你!我最爱你!!!”全场死一般寂静。余岑:爽。赢不了你,我可以恶心你。就算我死了,也要让你不痛快。余岑很得意。甚至得意地可以自然面对死亡。五天后,余岑还没死。十天后,余岑还没死。n天后……余岑:???为什么我还活得好好的?再回学校。关之涯:“听说你喜欢我。”余岑:“对不起,我失忆了。请问你谁?”学校包年第二的学神突然公开表白了,对象是包年第一那位。所有人表示震惊我全家。柏二的同学们以为千年老二被老大压久了伺机报复,就等着看老大怎么回击。结果没多久,发现他们竟然在一起了?!而且他们竟然意外的还挺配?!学神们都去谈恋爱了,有人瞄准了年级第一第二的位置。就等着看他们怎么双双从金榜滑落。结果最后发现,这俩人一路稳坐第一第二,最后一起去了北大?FineCP:勇敢向第一发起挑战·乖巧宝宝奶凶受永远被迫被第二挑战·高冷宝宝内敛攻我的世界一片灰暗,而你,如彩虹般绚烂。双学神HE1v1各位书友要是觉得《在全校面前和死对头表白了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w51607-97538 >>

Soul Eater

Read Soul Eater Manga Soul Eater Manga is a Japanese manga series illustrated and written by Atsushi Okubo. Looking to create the latter a 'death scythe' and therefore fit for use by the school's headmaster Shinigami, the personification of departure, they need to gather the souls of 99 wicked people and one witch, in that sequence; otherwise, they're going to have to begin all over again. Soul Eater Manga is placed at Death Weapon Meister Academy --'DWMA' for short--situated in the fictional Death City in Nevada, United States. The institution is run as a training facility for the wielders of these weapons, named meisters, in addition to individuals together with the capacity to transform into weapons, also called Death, by Shinigami. Medusa and her cohorts assault DWMA together with the aim of restoring the first kishin who almost plunged the world into insanity before being secured beneath DWMA by Shinigami, Asura. Even with the combined efforts of Death the Kid, Black Star, and Maka, Asura, who leaves to spread mayhem all over the world following a short conflict with Shinigami is successfully revived by the group of Medusa. Nevertheless, Medusa befriend Maka and is apparently killed by meister and DWMA teacher Franken Stein in the act, while Crona surrenders to the DWMA and goes to register there. Characters in Soul Eater Manga As an outcome of Asura's distributing insanity, the older sister Arachne of Medusa comes out of hiding after 800 years. Arachne reforms her organization Arachnophobia, which poses itself as a critical danger to DWMA. Shinigami calls all over the world to assist in the struggle against Arachnophobia from in passing scythes. In now, Medusa forms truce, and reappears along with her soul within the body of a woman so they could annihilate the risk of Arachnophobia collectively. The DWMA pupils and brainwash Crona into rejoining her, possess Arachne's body, and the entourage of Medusa infiltrate the headquarters where Maka gets the better of Arachne, just for Medusa to betray DWMA of Arachnophobia. Meanwhile, Noah, an artificial concept created in the Book of Eibon's Tables of Contents captures Death the Kid. Following this, Maka eventually succeeds in turning Soul Eater into a passing scythe. Crona resurfaces in a city in Russia, destroying it and killing the departure scythe stationed there, eventually being chosen by madness after killing Medusa while DWMA hunts for Asura's location. Shinigami orders Maka to hunt down Crona, and she accidentally finds Asura's place on the moon, while hunting for Crona with her powers. An assault is launched by the DWMA on the moon to take Asura down, only to be repelled by his militaries that are Clown. Maka as well as the others find a way to choose the upper hand helped by the witches after Death the Kid successfully convinces them to set up a short-term alliance, but the situation gets a lot more chaotic using the hindrance of Crona, who consumes Asura's body before being overtaken by him. The manga was released as three different one and is published by Square Enix -shots serialized in one Gangan Wing and two Gangan Powered special versions in 2003. Yen Press has licensed for distribution in North America the manga. A manga series that runs alongside the primary collection, named Soul Eater Not!, started serialization on January 12, 2011 in Monthly Shonen Gangan.   Principal Characters in Soul Eater manga Maka Albam Maka Albarn is among the primary protagonists of Soul Eater Manga. She's a young but committed pupil who takes another prodigious meister, after her mom. Nevertheless, her relationship with her dad Spirit is strained due to his continuous flirtations with girls, leading her parents. Therefore, Maka is obsessed with turning her weapon partner, Soul Eater, into a passing scythe which will surpass her dad.[ch. 0a] She collaborates well with Soul in conflict, but occasionally gets frustrated at him when he does something silly. When in risk, yet, Maka does everything she can to keep Soul out of harm's way.[ch. 4] Soul Eater Soul Evans,nicknamed Soul Eater, is the partner of Maka Albarn as well as a devil scythe, as well as the principal male protagonist. His weapon form includes a reddish- and-black blade. + Skip Beat manga + Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Manga

Tenshi Ga Futtekuru

The story revolves around Uyu Shunzi, an athletics girl whose always been cared for by the gentle Gunten and teased by her other classmate, Shuntsen Kougi. Kougi is a popular high jumper on their school and had always call Shunzi a monkey. Because of their constant bickering the two would always end up running laps as punishment. In their day to day lives, Shinzu had always thought she was a normal girl until a near fall on the school stairs caused her to find out a secret: She can fly.


A comet passing close to the Earth flooded it with cosmic radiation. The radiation mutated male genitalia and sperm, killing approximately 70% of the males on Earth. Finding that there would be long term damage on females, they take 200 fertile women, and send them off on a 2 year journey to another planet.

Subete Ga Chotto Zutsu Yasahii Sekai

Subete ga Chotto Zutsu Yasahii Sekai summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Subete ga Chotto Zutsu Yasahii Sekai. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Beyond Omnipotent

Beyond Omnipotent summary: Beyond Omnipotent summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Beyond Omnipotent. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

King Arthur and His Knights

King Arthur and His Knights summary: King Arthur and His Knights summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of King Arthur and His Knights. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Matador - The Omega Cage

Matador - The Omega Cage summary: Matador - The Omega Cage summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Matador - The Omega Cage. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader

Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader summary: Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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