
































内容简介:官家小姐被贬为贱籍,入宫做了宫奴,不幸成为帝后博弈的牺牲品。花开两朵各表一枝,失忆前她是媚香酥骨的宫奴,失忆后她是一本正经的诰命夫人。陆晗蕊皇上自重!毕灵渊你是朕的!忘记了没关系,朕会 身体力行,帮你恢复记忆。一些七七八八的情况说明【】关于设定1、关于帝后的感情,之后会渐渐明了,两人一开始都不是因为感情在一起,迄今为止帝后两人都在演!戏!2、确实是11,男主和女主睡过后就没睡过其!他!人!了!好惨的皇帝……【】关于标准1、剧情章10一章,这是上限,不会加价。2、肉章根据字数在50100之间,100为上限,不会超出范围,请大家放心藏,大口吃肉。【关于投珠珠】请点击【我要评分】,就能投珠珠了哦,每天都有两颗的,比心————————————————————————新书《又当又立》1w0-81670 >>


内容简介:容槿爱了宋时二十年,最后如愿嫁给他。哪知枕边这男人非良人,不仅灭了容家,也毁了她。绝望之际,那晚同样被设计的男人从车上下来。“嫁给我,我帮你报仇。”婚后她才知道自己嫁的男人大有来头,不 是自己能招惹的,“傅,傅总我错了,我们离婚吧……”男人揽住她的腰,声音危险至极,“我只有丧偶,你想试试?”“……”1w75121-110839 >>


内容简介:他是仙门天玑宫宫主玄离神君,他是无间血域之尊,两者本该两不相干,因缘际会,相识相交……再后来,神君归位,魔尊紧追成为神君座下弟子。魔尊常言,不能急,要徐徐图之。十三,你这是又招了哪门烂 桃花!唉!连碰个头发都这么大的反应,路漫漫呀!1w0-65291 >>


内容简介:【扮猪吃老虎咸鱼影后X腹黑bking巨星】一觉醒来,宋樱穿成了真假千金文里处处和真千金作对,最后被整得身败名裂的炮灰假千金。书里人人都喜欢真千金,家人、朋友,就连假千金的联姻对象都对她 一见倾心。熟读剧情的宋樱表示一点都不想掺合进去,当一条莫得感情只管捞钱的咸鱼。于是——经纪人为了资源和同公司小花撕得不可开交时。宋樱倚在沙发上,边吃草莓边追剧,悠哉悠哉说一句:没事没事资源质量我不在乎,给钱多就行!可没想到剧情发展出乎意料。她红了?!粉丝千万,戏约不断,广告代言接到手软。公司把她当吉祥物供着,粉丝天天追在身后喊姐姐好美!真千金看着宋樱风生水起,带着联姻对象想找她不痛快,谁知却看见化妆间里——某巨星影帝正把宋樱按在墙上亲。真千金一脸懵逼:日哦!这男的我爱豆许越?!【当一条财迷咸鱼不小心暴露真正实力后逆风翻盘满级吊打咸鱼吃老虎】娱乐圈无脑升级打脸苏爽甜纸片人三观不代表作者三观沙雕掺甜,欢乐无虐1v1HEpick一下不良男友许越越叭!【文案已截图】1w0-79824 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:开局马小玲听到我是僵尸】洛尘穿越成了马小玲的未婚夫,获得盘古僵尸血脉,激活自动修炼系统。每天自动修炼,自动升级,血脉无上限!原本只想安静的当个咸鱼,然后成为僵 尸王,跟马小玲结婚……没想到,马小玲却能听见他的心声:【好想咬她啊,小玲体内有命运血脉,如果吸了她的血,就能成为变异紫眼僵尸!】【如果小玲知道我是僵尸,会不会大义灭亲,谋杀亲夫?】马小玲:“我的未婚夫是僵尸???”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-99294 >>


内容简介:  周东化作一缕残魂进入地府,本以为会喝下孟婆汤,转世投胎,结果在奈何桥前开启签到系统,至此游荡在地府的各个角落,苟着签到千年...叮!您在阎王殿签到,获得‘阎罗剑’!叮!您在轮回殿签 到,获得‘转世轮回选择权’!叮!您在地狱十七层签到,获得‘永夜魔瞳’!叮!您在地狱十八层签到,获得‘万古魔神体’!叮!您在地狱十八层签到,获得‘仙帝遗体’!直到有一天,周东偷窥生死簿,得知周氏皇朝将遭遇大敌,所有族人死于非命,皇朝易主…于是…他投胎了!苟活千年无人问,一朝投胎天下惊!…PS:本书又名《开局就投胎》《在地府无敌的我只能选择投胎了》1w0-3593 >>

2-Dome No Koi No Hajimari Wa

From Boys On Boys Love: 1-2. 2-dome no Koi no Hajimari wa After being harshly dumped by his lover, Kousaka Yuuki, a shop manager at a restaurant, swore that he would never love again. One day, he meets his ex again when he unexpectedly shows up at Kousaka's shop. It was then completely exposed to Matsuoka, a kouhai at work, that he dated a guy. Kousaka was shaken that his past was known to Matsuoka, and worried that he would look down upon him, but Matsuoka forcibly kisses him and says 'I love you' to Kousaka...!? 3. Gekiai Honey Sasaki Ryoutarou, a part-timer at a restaurant leading an ordinary life, suddenly met his old classmate, Mio. Mio was once a gloomy guy ignored by all, but is now a cheerful, completely changed guy. He claims to have been searching for Ryoutarou to be his lover because he couldn't forget about him, even after being rejected a long time ago. Mio changed his style because he had heard that Ryoutarou's type is a cheerful person. Ryoutarou refuses to go out with him, to which Mio responds: 'go out with me for a month, if you don't fall in love with me then I'll go back'... 4-5. Honey Trap You is in love with his best friend Shinji. Afraid of ruining his friendship with Shinji, he doesn't confess, and breaks off all contact with him. Three years later, running away from some stalker, he enters a building and asks for help. However, it turns out that the man living there is his ex-friend Shiniji, who is now a detective... But what will happen when Shinji suddenly asks You to be his lover? 6. Bokura no Koi no Hajimari wa - Extras Is a small continuation about the first story.

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Selections from the Prose Works of Matthew Arnold

Selections from the Prose Works of Matthew Arnold summary: Selections from the Prose Works of Matthew Arnold summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Selections from the Prose Works of Matthew Arnold. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Hero of Garside School

The Hero of Garside School summary: The Hero of Garside School summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Hero of Garside School. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Last Viking Queen

The Last Viking Queen summary: The Last Viking Queen summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Last Viking Queen. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Number 70, Berlin

Number 70, Berlin summary: Number 70, Berlin summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Number 70, Berlin. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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